Saturday, August 13, 2016

I can haz sushi?

I am almost back to normal as far as energy levels are concerned. Been able to take longish walks, make dinner, and have normal conversations.
I still have a lot of numbness in my chin, upper lip, and inner cheeks. Yawning also hurts.
Today I tried eating sushi. I had to mash it with a fork and I couldn't eat the crunchy bits. Some of it got on my face and I couldn't feel it. A friend had to tell me it was there. Oops.
I attempted to chew, but I can only chew on the right, since my left molars don't meet. I was gone all day and forgot my rubber bands and anti biotics.
The stiches on the left side actually came out and left the incision site open. I called the surgeon and emailed her, but she didn't return my call. Luckily it's not bleeding and doesn't hurt, so I'm hoping everything is ok.
Going to the orthodontist on Tuesday for stronger rubber bands and the continous arch.
Abby is cutting her third tooth in the upper. She still has a runny nose, but seems to be on the mend.

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