Saturday, August 6, 2016

First Restaurant Experience since Surgery and the Soup Fail

Today was a big day. Steven started his Workbench Project, which he spent almost 8 hours on. He employed the help of both neighbors, and a friend (who came later). He was busy sawing large pieces of plywood, while I attempted to organize files and such. Abby came down with a cold yesterday, so her nose has been running constantly. She finally took a pretty good nap around 1:00, so I was able to get a lot of work done.
Then my dear friend Rachel came over, along with her boyfriend Chris. Chris helped Steven on his project, and Rachel helped me organize my books and scrapbooking stuff. It was so nice to have more help!
Around 6, we all were pretty tired so we decided to go out to dinner.
We settled on the Alehouse in town. They ordered delicious nachos, fish and chips, and a burger with garlic fries, while I attempted to communicate to the waiter that I wanted pureed soup. He said they could run it through the food processor.
So everyone's food came, and I waited...and waited...and waited...
My soup finally showed up and it was in a bowl...with a spoon. I attempted to use the spoon and it dribbled down my face. So I gave up, and spooned it into a to go cup.
Once we got home, it was still a bit chunky, so I ran it through the blender again. We microwaved it in a cup, and then I had to figure out how to eat it. I tried the syringe with a tube attached, and it was so difficult to suck it up. Then I had to find my pointy syringe and wash it. After that, I was able to suck it up, but once it got pretty low in the cup, I had to ask Steven to tilt the cup so I could angle the syringe to get the rest of the soup. I will admit, I did not have the best attitude about this and I did lose my temper...a little bit. But, I'm a redhead, so I'm allowed right?

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