Friday, August 5, 2016

9 days post op

Today I finally decided to crawl put of my shell and act like a human being again.
I washed the dishes, cleaned the humdifer, put away laundry, and decided to actually do my hair and makeup.
I was starting to feel like a helpless victim,  feeling depressed with no light at the end of the tunnel.
Last night, my dear friend Yvonne came over and brought me some coloring books and pencils. She also had heard about the tragic cookie jar incident and brought me her parents old bear cookie jar. So sweet. I'll post a pic of it later.
We made smoothies and watched some dancing with the stars. We are still at the beginning of season 20, but we will catch up!!
A discussion with her made me realize just how blessed I am. Sure there are things I wished I had done and I do have some regrets, but I wouldn't trade my marriage to Steven for anything. He is a wonderful man who has done so much for me during this time (and so many others), we have a wonderful daughter, cutest baby ever, and beyond all that, God has truly had his hand of protection over me and I am so grateful.
Thank you everyone for being so supportive through prayer, visits, food, and service.
Hugs everyone!

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