Wednesday, September 7, 2016

6 Week Update

Well everyone, we have reached the 6 week mark. According to the surgeon, this is the point where things start to go back to normal. yay!
I saw Dr. O last week. She said that I am right on track. I can fit almost two fingers in my mouth, which she said was very normal. She gave me a jaw exercise to do where I place my thumb in the roof of my mouth and my middle finger behind the bottom teeth and then push. Yeah, it hurts. She gave me another Xray cd of my before and after pictures, but I won't be able to post them because I don't have the correct software to read the cd. I have to take them to the orthodontist and get them printed. As soon as I can, I will post pictures!!! I also need to email her to send before photos they took. They are much better than the poor quality ones I took.
I'm starting to be able to tell when my mouth is closed while eating. I wasn't able to do that for awhile because of the numbness. I definitely still have numb patches on the sides of my upper lip and in my chin, but they are lessening. Chewing still takes quite a bit longer than it used to as well, but its not terrible.
I start back at work next week. I'm only working 8 hours a week every other week. It's a one on, one off type of thing.
By the way, today is Steven's and my 3 year anniversary. It's been a busy three years filled with new jobs, job losses, more new jobs, braces, home ownership, BABY, and a double jaw surgery. I wonder what the next three will hold. I know for sure that they wont be filled with Braces, because in 5 months or less, these puppies are coming off, and oh what a glorious day that will be!!!

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